Monday, June 24, 2013

Awash in nature's watercolor magic

Awash in the watercolor magic of nature... I have already filled my first little nature sketchbook...  With my obsessive personality, I find myself totally immersed right now in simple little sketches on gessoed book pages, watercolored and mounted in this old book.  

In most recent days, I have been sketching my ever-favorite birdies...  I collect pictures of these magical creatures and I love trying my hand at sketching them.  The birds are more of a challenge for me than the flowers... but I am forever drawn to them and all they symbolize.

The lesson of being the early bird is one taught me by my mother.

Listen to the music~ nothing like the sweet songs of the birds.

My final spread in the little nature sketchbook holds a thought I love...

As I write this post, I'm waiting for some summer sketches, freshly watercolored, to dry, so that I can do my pen and ink work on them...  A vintage book, in softest "Baby Jane blue" is waiting... ready to hold these fun, new summer dreams...  I hope your summer dreams all come true... 


Junelle Jacobsen said...

Simply gorgeous. I see the divine in your beautiful art and I love it. What a lovely collection~ such a treasure!
xo Junelle

Mia said...

Wow! I LOVE your pages :)

Heartwideopen said...

Your beautiful spirit shines through in your pages! I adore your birds and your pages so inspire me!!
HuGGs! Debi

cmcscraps said...

Thanks for sharing these lovely pages! A inspiration for me!