Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Feeling poorly... feeding the spirit

For the last few days, a yucky virus has taken up residence at my house.  This unwelcome guest has left me coughing, sneezing, feverish and feeling pretty awful.  It is my turn, I guess... but I had forgotten how unpleasant it is to be stuck at home with no energy.  I have slept and taken in lots of fluids, so hopefully I am turning a curve toward healthier days.  It is so delightful here outside this week, making me doubly sorry I am housebound, except for walking my boys a few times each day.  These items have been my closest companions this week.

Arriving yesterday was a delightful surprise from Ille, a much needed pick-me-up for the day. Ille's girlie-girl creation sure made me feel lots better.  
Thanks, Ille!

    I have been thoroughly enjoying Teresa McFayden's

     Letter Whimsy 2.0

This one is even more fun for me than her first one.  When I have felt like sitting up a bit, it has been fun to play with lettering in my art journal.  Here is one I completed, focusing on this meaningful nugget of wisdom.

 Here are a couple more, showcasing some wonderful points to ponder.

One idea I love is that of making a window with something behind my acetate portal.

This page is a hodge-podge of remnants from sweet notes and memories from the last few weeks.  This was an artful expression that could feed my spirit, as my body heals and gets back to good health.

I have known for quite some time that making art is a spiritual experience for me.  I can never express how creating puts me in a higher plane... a good place to be any time.

May the rest of your week be healthy and happy.

1 comment:

Martha Richardson said...

Get better soon...but if you're going to be housebound might as well do some lettering!!! Love where you are headed with all this wonderful art you're creating!